Tuesday, July 20, 2010

here i am....

yess..am back after errr..nearly a year i guess....will try my best to keep u posted with the latest news...ok..so dont forget to drop by!

Friday, August 21, 2009

i was watching astro oasis last nite around 730pm and they were showing clips of zikir by arwah Ustaz Asri. I felt so touched..moga roh arwah ditempatkan bersama2 mereka yang beramal soleh Insya-Allah. Lately we heard a lot about kematian..setiap hari ada ja kematian semada dr kalangan org yang kita kenal ataupun sebaliknya. H1N1* cases makin hari makin bertambah..ini semua merupa kan satu peringatan jugak buat kita..seperti kata arwah ustaz asri..sejauh mana pun perjalanan kita pengakhirannya pasti kematian..jadi pastikan kita tidak lupa membawa bekalan untuk hari kemudian.

insya-Allah besok kita semua akan menyambut ramadan al-mubarak sekali lagi. Alhamdulillah syukur kerana kita masih lagi berpeluang untuk menjalani ibadah puasa kerana kita tak tahu adakan tahun hadapan kita masih lagi berkesempatan..jadi hayatilah ramadan kali ini seolah2 ianya yang terakhir..

this year haaziq wants to fast..learn to fast to be exact.. as for aqeelah, last year she skipped 4 days due to travelling. and this year she's confident that she'll make it full. and bila mendengarkan kakak nak puasa penuh..haaziq apa lagi..i pun nak la jugak. Hmm we'll see how..knowing him so well..balik sekolah ja terus kedapur menyelongkar peti ais...maybe we'll start with half day and then who knows kalau semangat dia tinggi kan..tambah2 kalau disertakan dengan reward??? i remembered..at haaziq'a age, kakak managed to fast for 11 days..but then again boys n girls are diffrent..some said girls are easier and vice versa..

anyway..its 5pm now..and i still have no idea of what to cook for diner and soq ( kedah slang for sahur) today..need to make something yang org kata boleh membuka selera esp. for the kids..
hopefully the idea will come soon as i do need to prepare it early...

selamat berpuasa everyone..moga2 ibadah kita ini diterima allah SWT ..insya-allah..selamat mengerjakan solat terawih..( dulu i always tersasul terawih with tawarikh:sejarah) n selamat bersahur...

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Jangan Bersedih...

something to share with everyone..kerana masa kita bersedih itu Syaitan* amat suka sekali berdampingan..jadi bila rasanya kita bersedih...ingatlah bahawa:

disebalik kesusahan pasti ada kesenangan...

1.Jangan bersedih, Allah Maha pengampun dan Maha penerima taubat
2.Jangan bersedih, setipa sesuatu telaha da qada dan qadar
3.Janagn bersedih, kerana kelapangan pasti datang
4. Jangan bersedih, kerana rahmat Allah melimpah ruah
5. Jangan bersedih, memaafkan org yg menyakiti itu lebih baik
6. Jangan bersedih, masih banyak lagi nikmat yg ada pada diri kita
7. Jangan bersedih, dunia ini tidak layak ditangisi
8. Jangan bersedih, banyak cara untuk mengusir kesedihan
9. Jangan bersedih, anggaplah celaan org itu sebagai angin yang lalu
10. Jangan bersedih , hinaan tidak selamanya buruk
11. Jangan bersedih, pilihan Allah adalah yang terbaik
12. Jangan bersedih, selagi anda masih boleh berbuat baik kepada org lain
13. Jangan bersedih, keranan banyak lagi jalan untuk meringankan musibah
14. Jangan bersedih, masih ramai org yang menyayangi anda
15. Jangan bersedih, kerana masih ada kehidupan lain
16. Jangan bersedih, tanyalah dirimu tentang hari ini, kemarin dah esok
17. Jangan bersedih, kesedihan boleh merosakkan badan dan akal fikiran
18. Jangan bersedih, kerana hidup ini bukanuntuk bersedih
19. Jangan bersedih, selagi anda beriman kepada Allah
20. Jangan bersedih, segala yg ada didunia ini tidaklah berharga
21. Jangan bersedih, nikmati lah apa yang anda miliki sekarang
22.Jangan bersedih, bolehjadi cubaan ini adalah anugerah
23. Jangan bersedih, kerana anda berbeza dengan orang lain
24. Jangan bersedih, terkadang kesulitan mengandungi manfaat
25. Janagn bersedih, kehidupan ini lebih singkat dari yg kita jangkakan
26. Jangan bersedih, kesedihan akan membuatkan musuh anda gembira
27. Jangan bersedih, hadapilah kenyataan walaupun pedih
28. Janganbersedih, kerana...segalanya akan berakhir..insya-Allah

Peringatan tentang kesedihan:

Mengingati Allah: hati kan menjadi tenang
Solat: ubat yg mujarab menghilangkan kesedihan

Monday, July 27, 2009

where have i been?

i ve been very very bad nowadays..u see, am hooked to this FB game Farmto*wn and Restauran*T City..celik je mata..all i could think off.."how's my workers (at restau*rant city) doing? do they need some rest, what do i need to improve my menu?"..or where should i harvest today? can i find more money so i can buy more stuffs for my farm..and the list goes on and on..i started playing like a week or 2 ago..At first its just for fun but as you go one day by day..its like u cant stop..hahah..am so so bad!

that explained why i havent been updating my blog for quite awhile. And why today i blog..it becoz, i cant connect to FB. Been trying for few hrs and yet my explorer cant get in..and yes..its driving me crazy over here..as am writing this i still keep on trying to log into my F*B and still no no...hmmm

better luck in another hour i hope!

Monday, July 13, 2009

From the garden on to the plate....

Remember my previous entry http://yusriza.blogspot.com/2008/07/riwayat-sepohon-mangga.html...

yes..this is the mango tree and yes...dah berbuah lagi..and this time alhamdulillah..melekat! Our first harvest! and its true..it tastes better when it comes from ur own hardwork..( esp. when it comes from someone who is not really a good planter ;o)) berbudi pada tanah memang tidak merugikan...

here it is..ready to be eaten! memang sedap...its the chokanan mango.. there's more to come..insyallah...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

We went to Kuching ( part 2 )

ok...continue to where we left yesterday..Saturday was the wedding day. This time they had it at a hall near the city ( tak ingat nama apa ) I was quite pelik when told to get ready in the lobby by 930am..jemputan was at 10am..yes 10 in the morning..biar betul???memang betul pun..I was told that in sarawak jemputan majlis memang around that time..therefore by noon semua dah selesai and everyone can go home for zuhur prayer. Hmm something different from here in semenanjung where the reception usually start from 1-4pm..after zuhur. Reached the hall ard 1030 and seated at our "reserved sabah" table. And they started to bring out the food..one at a time...really one...at a time...by 1145 ke baru pengantin sampai..and by that time the only food yg belum dihidang was the rice...perut dah keroncong dok ambik bau lauk pauk...and i guess bau pun dah habis heheh..

so pengantin pun bersanding diatas pelamin...according to our tour guy..here in serawak if you want to know how "kaya" the family you can tell from their wedding ceremony/pelamin..lagi gah ..lagi kaya la org tu..wow...i wonder do we really need all those big big pelamin..but then again..kalau dah mampu mungkin tak ada salahnya kan..my thots..apa2pun moderation is the best.. tak kisah la..majlis org kita cuma tumpang meraikannya. They have what they called upacara nasi temuan..where the pengantin will "suap menyuap" themselves and tgk sapa yg lagi cepat..i donno what's the reason behind it..but i whispered to MD..."awal2 ni suap menyuap la..after years n years..suap diri sediri je la .." heheh..finally when they pengantin is ready..barulah they served the rice....adoi..penat menunggu akhirnya...after dah kenyang..all the guests masing2 make a move...very quick.. memang lain dari sini..tapi good thing is..the family boleh rest after that and guests can proceed with their plans..kalau kat sini kul 4-5 pun belum tentu habis lagi.

so next agenda..the tour bus took us to Sarikin...apa tu..lebih kurang Padang Besar/Bukit Kayu Hitam..la...just no duty free shops...shopping time! Well tak de shopping sakan pun..just bought kain telekung..( quite cheap coz its from seberang-Indonesia)...went back to hotel ard 6..and penat2..kids jumped into the bath tub..and kalau muat dah lama mama join sekali..;o)

Next day..we're flying home. Tapi sempat lagi nak ronda2 and took some pictures. Now..my thots..this is why people called this place Kuching...they have kucing statues at the roundabouts, park..all around Kuching Town...so my model posed for my camera..klik klik!

It was a very interesting trip this one. Short n simple. Get to experience new things; naik bot,bus,sarawak's wedding, etc. I guess i need to come back ..coz i didnt get a chance to eat mee kolok, laksa sarawak and even to meet my dear friend Jamal n family. Next time ya..insyallah. And to Amy n Aleng..congratulations..semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We went to Kuching (part 1)

I've never been to Kuching Sarawak. So when MD told us that we're going to attend his cousin's wedding in Kuching..myself n kids were so excited. At first Haaziq was a bit pelik...kenapa nak pergi kuching (read:kucing=cat)..then we explained Kuching is a place ..then he understood!..but he still asked why someone would call a place "kuching"? is it because there a lots of cat there? hmm mama puntak tahu..lets just wait until we get there!

we took air*asia flight and kids as usual busy nak makan itu ini..hmm MD had early preparation by ordering food in the internet..so we had nasi lemak n chicken sandwiches. Suka la budak2 tu. Sampaikan semua benda nak dibeli..amboi..bankrupt la daddy kalau macam ni..:O) We reached kuching around noon..and went straight to the hotel to meet the others. After catching up here and there...we were told to get ready because the nikah ceremony will be held after zohor. So i need to change my attire into proper one. Md changed to his baju melayu ( as usual without sampin..donno why susah sangat dia nak pakai sampin..and as usual his joke will be nanti pakai sampin people will confuse pulak which ones is the pengantin..cishh)..Turun kat lobby..wow..i thought just a few family members ..ropa2nya..satu bas!! yes..around 50 peeps rombongan pengantin lelaki all the way from sandakan. Meriahnya...and my kids were heads over heels dapat naik bas..yes..this was their first time dapat naik bas pesiaran..

arrived at the pengantin house and the nikah ceremony went well as planned. Pengantin both looking so radiant and teringat my wedding day all over again..hmmm..after that we had some refreshment...and then off we go back to the hotel to get some rest!

malam tu..we all went to have our diner at this restaurant/kedai makan/i dont know what to call..anyway to get to there we took a boat ( more like sampan ) ride..again another new experience for the kids. Hehehe..while her brothers were cool n enjoying it, aqeelah on the other hand was..erhhh takut la tak nak la...tapi tak sempat habis pun lagi menangis..dah sampai pun..hahhah the ride was like 5 mins ja..bont*tot pun tak sempat panas..drama je lebih heheh.. we had ayam penyet! the specialty..tapi tak enjoy sangat since ramai sangat org n the food were late plus budak2 dah buat perangai...After that...we went to this place..( kalau tak pergi tempat ni kira tak sah la datang ke Kuching)...apa tu..Kedai Kek Lapis. Yup...macam2 kek lapis ada..with different name n taste..rambang mata n taste buds dok tengok n merasa kek2 ni...so..angkut la a few to bring back home..

What a day..from taxi to airplane to bus to boat! we had it all...and esok sambung lagi..