Abah was a very dedicated teacher...even mak used to be a teacher before she got married. And even my inlaws were teachers ...so i guess the teacher's blood runs in my blood. Sometimes, strangers, whom i met at functions, or other places often said.."you look like a teacher"..donno whether they just trying to be nice or really meant what they said..Anyway..feeling that i do have the passion and "the blood", might as well i applied for it. Earlier in my previous post, i wrote about the test i took, Mtest, and then i went to the final interview in August. The result was out last Friday. Seems like "looks alone is not enough"...
harap maaf, nama anda tiada dalam senarai tawaran kami. Although if do get the offer i would not be able to go..
my edd is in feb but knowing that they rejected you because you are not qualified was far more frustrating when you feel that you did quite well in the interview. Try again next year? hmmm i dont know..maybe not. Kept telling myself that, there are others that really i mean really really need the offer/job than me...and then maybe its a good thing jugak..i can spend my time concentrating on my kids..especially next year Aqeelah is going to standard 1. All things happen for a reason. I should be thankful..