Wednesday, January 17, 2007

..into her independent world

this is Aqeelah 3rd week at school. Alhamdulillah she is settling very well. I dont have to wait for her during recess time anymore. She made lots of new friends and seems to enjoy herself very much. Her schedule is quite tight with her KAFA in the morning and school session in the afternoon. She looks tired though and sometimes has hard time to wake up in the morning..well who could blame her..memang memenatkan..but she'll get used to it just like any other kids. On the other hand....her mummy felt so sunyi now that she's no longer at home. Am so used to have her around ...and now she'e no longer here. The house seems so empty. I used to complain before this that i dont have enough "me time"..and now when i do have the "me time" rasa macam something missing ...i miss my kids..hmm macam2 la jadi mummy ni kan..and there's no way i could stop them from growing up..especially when they are growing to become a better person.


Anonymous said...

they do grow up so fast...cant imagine next year when i'll be alone with only 1 kid running here and there!

Anonymous said...

yus, u will be occupied again in 2 mths time!