Alhamdulillah..thank you to Allah SWT, everything went well on the day Muhammad Hafeez was born. I had mild contractions that morning and furthermore my doctor wanted me to check in that day so we went to the hospital around 930am. Settling down in my room while entertaining the kids as well as the contractions every 30 mins apart. MD decided to sent kids home for lunch and Aqeelah cried because she wanted to stay with was quite sad to see them like that but they had to go home. MD came back after that and stayed with me until the baby came out. Around 330pm, the contractions became closer and sakkkkiiitt..the nurse asked me whether I wanted to take any pain relief like epidural or pethadine. Cehh ngan still ok..will let u know if I cant hold it any longer. 15 mins after that, told MD to call the nurse and asked her how long is gonna be? She said lambat lagi la..WITHOUT checking my opening pun.. I was like..ok..if that the case, then I need my jab right now!!!..10 mins after that, Dr. Fatimah came in, very calm n sweet la this doctor, and she was telling me about epidural bla bla bla..then suddenly she said..Ma..i think u can forget about epidural now..coz the baby is coming..and yes after 1 big push at 4.07..Muhammad Hafeez was safely born weighed at 3.35kg.. slightly smaller than abg Haaziq. I was given 2 small stitches. Went home the day after that and am so glad that my parents were there to help me with the kids. Hafeez settled quite well, just couple of nites yg dia buat hal tak nak tidur malam..apart from that, alhamdulillah he’s been a good boy. As for me, I got enough bed rest, and yes this time around the stitches was not that bad. Cuma badan ja rasa letih2 n lenguh2..maybe because my body dah aging kut heheh..after 3 days of urut-mengurut session..felt much better. As usual, my confinement will last up until 44 days..where am not allowed to eat certain foods like yang sejuk2, berangin,pedas2.. no cold drinks, bertungku etc.
To sum up, it was not so bad experience giving birth n pantang this time and who knows I might give it another go ..;o) but not in the near future..maybe 3-4 yrs lagi insyallah..Hafeez will be 2 mths old in few days. He's already smiling and adapting well with his busy body kakak n abang. He loves taking his bath and being mummy's co-pilot in the car. Last n not least, thank you for all your warm wishes and for visiting Hafeez n me.
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
what a very easy experience, yus.
and hope to see hafeez face-to-face. Nie, nak target sampai berapa ramai Yus?
mcm ni bole la 3,4 orang lagi..hehe
It is remarkable, it is the valuable answer
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