Monday, July 27, 2009

where have i been?

i ve been very very bad nowadays..u see, am hooked to this FB game Farmto*wn and Restauran*T City..celik je mata..all i could think off.."how's my workers (at restau*rant city) doing? do they need some rest, what do i need to improve my menu?"..or where should i harvest today? can i find more money so i can buy more stuffs for my farm..and the list goes on and on..i started playing like a week or 2 ago..At first its just for fun but as you go one day by day..its like u cant so so bad!

that explained why i havent been updating my blog for quite awhile. And why today i becoz, i cant connect to FB. Been trying for few hrs and yet my explorer cant get in..and yes..its driving me crazy over am writing this i still keep on trying to log into my F*B and still no no...hmmm

better luck in another hour i hope!


MariaFaizal said...

i wished i had time to play that farmtown..sob sob sob. It's so beautiful :)

yus said...

hehe..u'll be hooked..n eventhough its not real but it feelssss so happy to grow n look after the farm...angan2 minah jenin hehe