My girl loves to draw. She draws almost everything but her passions is towards princesses and the tale of "happy ever after". She showed me this pic one day and told me this is how her wedding will be like -
hmm baru 6 yrs old tapi dah pandai cakap pasal wedding.. anyway am speechless! Her pic was so detailed and am impressed but at the same time am a bit worried..
it's too mat saleh (one of my friends said that too about my kids) She asked me one day why i covered my hair at my wedding and she said she's not going to do that and she's going to wear that "berkemban" wedding dress. Ask her why? With her innocent looks she said,
sebab cantiklah! Hmm should i be worried now or just let her play with her imagination and explain it to her slowly until finally one day she will understand it clearly?
Hehehehe.. who is the friend that made that remark?..
tak pe lah yus.. kecik lagi.. apa yg cantik, itu lah yg inspire them.. terpengaruh ngn hi-five kut..
anyway, cantik lah drawing tuh.. so detailed.. tak sangka six yo dah pandai lukis cam tuh... wow!!!
nih talent dari hang ker your husband?
When I was a kid, I oso wanted snow white's wedding dress la. I oso believed that pixies and fairies were real. I think, imagination helps children to be more creative. my 2 cents.
pandai aqeela lukis....aku rasa hang tak pernah lukis pun yus...ka aku overlooked....anyway...jgn risau sangat lah...every little gal has imagination and year she will plan how she wants her wedding to look like....u can take it positive..that mean she has vision and well organized...hehe...all the best!!
too much fairly tale stories, perhaps?
Yus, nice drawing fom aqeelah! don't have to worry, let her imagination fly..nanti dah besar tahula dia..takkan nak pakai berkemban kawin!..hhe...heh....
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