Friday, February 20, 2009

Muhammad Hafeez is 2 today!!

Hafeez turn 2 today..yeayyyy...and its going to be another roller coster ride when we start weaning him from breastfeeding...i've been trying to keep it to minimum "nenen bukak" for the last few weeks...and starting from now its going be on full operation! But we'll see la how it goes..kesian jugak tengok dia..especially bila nak tidur malam...we'll give him max. 4-5 mths more...

anyway...he's now cheekier, full of fun sometimes can be quite bossy..hahahah ye la since he's the youngest. His favourite cartoon at the moment is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse..and Digimon and B-Daman ( these twos because his abg n kakak watch it so dia pun tumpang sekaki jerit..Imon tukarrrr or Fireee). He loves helping me in the garden..plucking the flower most of the time and playing with the dirt. His favourite food is nasi lemak..n eggs..Whatever his big sister or brother have..he wants it too!! arghhh bila 3 org tak nak mengalah..mama yg pening kepala..

he is my sweet hafeez. Happy birthday sayang..we; daddy, mama, kakak and abang loves you always..hope you'll grow up to become anak yang soleh..insyallah

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Amy Amir said...

Happy Birthday Hafeez. Takde party ke..hehe...

MariaFaizal said...

Have a great 2nd birthday baby Hafeez...
Time flies kan Yus?
May all the happiness in the world be yours sweet baby.Amen....