exam is over..yeay..mama yeay anak lagilah yeahhaa..alhamdulillah. How was it? According to her.."oklah..mama", "senang kacang..."," ada yg i boleh jawap ada yang tak boleh?? " cemana tu..well we've done our best and let's hope for the best. The first thing she she asked me as soon as the exam finished.." can i watch tv/cartoon after this?"..oh dear.. itu ja yang dia pikir...
Aqeelah, she's a smart girl. It just that sometimes she's too careless. She didn't pay attention to details..and she just wants it the easy way..she needs to be push a little bit. I keep telling her that she needs to focus on whatever she's doing and "jgn grumpy sangat". She has this habit.."ralit"..hmm anak daraku sorang...the other day...bought her a "book"- more like a novel..purposes are..1.to improve her BM vocabulary: you should see her karangan..pi mai2 ayat yang sama je...vocab pun itu je.. 2. so she loves to read. 3. more imaginative..at the moment all she knows is digimon. 4. so she realizes that thare are other things to do rather than watching cartoon all the times...or maybe i should lock all the cartoon channel...tapi kesian la plak..hmm will have to think about other ways to keep them from watching tv too much. Tak productive camtu. Or maybe i'm setting bad example to them?? coz i sure do lurvee watching tv!!..
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
anak Yus mesti dapat no 1, 2 takpun 3 macam mama dia jugak masa sekolah rendah dulu kan?
salam shidi...
anak sekarang lain dari kita dulu..sekarang competition very high..itu tak tengok lagi competition among parents..sometimes rasa takut..
mama dulu takut pasal cikgu Yunus ajar sekolah sama..tu yg kena jaga standard tu ;o)...
Yus.. Aqeelah nih sebijik mcm Ammar... dr ralitnya hingga lah suka tgk tv...
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