labour day weekend is over...we stayed at home most of the time doing??? hmm MD would call it spring cleaning....."lets make a plan" ( one of his famous quote ) my respond will be..oh no..again!!!..he loves to make a plan and i will always be the one who yade yade yada...
oo by the way..this is my second week of "jogging" trainning personal trainer aka MD is very dedicated in making sure that my new jogging shoes will not end up "berhabuk" inside the shoes cabinet..starting from last weekend, there goes my late weekend morning are happy to see their mom in actions..first round.. ok...2-3 rounds still hanging there..4-5 rounds..terasa urat2 dibetis mula menarik..tambahan pulak ada extra weight..Hafeez ..adoi lagilah...yg heran tu..when MD jogs, tak de la plak kids mengacau..hmm anyway, think i succeed in taking small steps towards healthy lifestyle..need to keep it up..and lucky me i have MD!..:O)
next on the agenda...what else shopping cuci mata aka groceries..where to??? kalau tanya MD ..mana lagi Ala*manda la..or Alam+anda...his favourite shoppingmall..tapi saja je sturday morning over breakfast told him..lets go to kl*cc la..i was only kidding ropa2nya dia betul2...tapi tak pergi pun why???Haaziq wasnt feeling well.. demam...being ibu Mithali...almaklumlah mother's day is around the corner kan...we just went to Alaman*da. MD took me to one of the shop there to choose my bday present...jeng jeng jeng...wait aarr will tell later bila dah dapat heheh...
Sunday...stayed home jugak coz everyone except the ibu mithali ( as usual) dah terkena jangkitan dari Haaziq...think its the weather ...dont you think its too hot!! ya allah panas sungguh lately ni kan...the plants semuanya layu kekeringan...except bunga kertas... so we stayed in. and...mood for baking pun datang...noticed that the granny smiths has been in the fridge for few weeks..and i doubt anyone will eat it lagi chop chop!! apple crumble pie for tea. Enjoy...and thats how we spend our long weekend...
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
1 year ago
God I love your header!
And yes, everyone seems to be under the weather nowadays.It's the heat I guess? Couldn't stand it.My children just recovered from running nose, cough still there though.Sigh...
Started your routine jog already? :D
Lupa lak nak cakap, i haven't started.. :(
Table Mountain , Capetown
Breathtaking...subhanallah..kalau ada rezeki nak i pergi lagi..u shud too!!
yes..cannot stand the heat nowadays..
believe it or not i enjoyed my morning routine heheh although kadang2 angin "malas" tu ada jugak tapi when u think of the refershing morning air arhh so worth it!! u pun cepat2 la ..ajak dear hubby n kids..;)..i bet kat shah alam mesti byk lagi park2 yg menarik
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