Thursday, March 12, 2009

Umpan for a stress free travel

i am having trouble with my mouse..apparently the right click button doesnt work anymore so its a bit annoying when u have to work a bit harder to copy n paste...definitely needs a new mouse..

school hols just around the corner..and we are planning to go to Terengganu n Kelantan this time. Well actually my younger brother nak bertunang. Alang2 dah sampai sana..might as well jalan2 cuci mata kan..will be staying at my brother's for few days then we r heading to cherating. Its going to be a longgg journey..and travelling with 3 "tak reti duduk diam" kids..i have to be fully prepared. Last time we went it tooks us almost 10 at that time Hafeez was still a baby n apa2 hal boleh sumbat nenen. But this time around he's off nenen...yupp proudly to tell you he's 90% off nenen...another 10% tu kadang2 at nite bila susah sangat dia nak tidur or cranky or when he wakes up in the middle of the nite and mama is to mengantuk to entertain sumbat je..

so i really needs a lot of umpan this time...i read this article from baby center :

Best car games for kids (ages 5 to 8) for stress-free travel

Nothing derails a family road trip faster than bored backseat passengers. These parent- and kid-tested car games will help you motor without meltdowns and log some serious miles in peace

hopefuly this will helps besides all the prepared goodies...*sigh* Happy Travelling!!


Sab said...

..susah jugak ya yus.. so far both amil and adi..masuk kereta, jawabnya tidur ler...happy holiday and enjoy yourself

yus said...

they will sleep for the first 23 hrs pas tu trus segar bugar ..this trip to east coast will takes approx 8-9 hrs..."sigh"