Friday, December 29, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

This very important Muslim holiday is celebrated at the end of Hajj, which is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca. The ‘Festival of Sacrifice’ is followed by a ‘Feast of Sacrifice’, which pays homage to the prophet Ibrahim AS unselfish act of sacrificing his son, prophet Ismail AS to Allah SWT. In turn, Allah SWT spared the prophet Ismail's life and instead substituted a sheep. Now in remembrance, people sacrifice a lamb, goat, or other animal, and give the meat to family, friends, relatives, and most importantly, the poor.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha from Yus and family.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

mama's office

the other day..while i was in the 3 yrs old boy came to me and..

"mama..why you like kitchen so much?"

"hmmm..because i have to cook."

"why you have too cook?"

"if i don't cook, then we have nothing to eat."

"so... kitchen is your office?"

"hmmm ya...?!???"

"okie dokie..bye mama."

hmm nampak gayanya macam tu la...for the past 7 years..and for many more years to come. Eventhough am not really good at it, but the most important thing is my kids love my Aqeelah..she prefers my laksa, nasi lemak to others..she said..mama masak sedap tak pedas sangat..and Haaziq pun..well he eats most for MD..he's not that choosy tapi org katakan..air tangan isteri tu pengikat kebahagian office pun office lah...!!!

mixed feeling..

Abah was a very dedicated teacher...even mak used to be a teacher before she got married. And even my inlaws were teachers i guess the teacher's blood runs in my blood. Sometimes, strangers, whom i met at functions, or other places often said.."you look like a teacher"..donno whether they just trying to be nice or really meant what they said..Anyway..feeling that i do have the passion and "the blood", might as well i applied for it. Earlier in my previous post, i wrote about the test i took, Mtest, and then i went to the final interview in August. The result was out last Friday. Seems like "looks alone is not enough"... harap maaf, nama anda tiada dalam senarai tawaran kami. Although if do get the offer i would not be able to edd is in feb but knowing that they rejected you because you are not qualified was far more frustrating when you feel that you did quite well in the interview. Try again next year? hmmm i dont know..maybe not. Kept telling myself that, there are others that really i mean really really need the offer/job than me...and then maybe its a good thing jugak..i can spend my time concentrating on my kids..especially next year Aqeelah is going to standard 1. All things happen for a reason. I should be thankful..

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New Superheroes in town

Watch out Cicak man! New superheroes in town! MD was home yesterday so he entertained kids with his so call art skills - topeng for superheroes. It was Aqeelah's idea actually. She found some left over paper plate (clean ones ) and asked daddy to draw her a mask. The other day we made ladybug for haaziq n butterfly for aqeelah from paper plate too. These are the things too keep them from fighting all day long -school holiday maa...sepanjang hari kat rumah..penat nak melayan..need to find activities /craft to keep them quiet for a while. Anyway they enjoyed it so much zooming here and there. Pretending to be superheroes saving people and catching the bad guys. So watch out Cicak man!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fairy Princess Aqeelah

MD bought her a new set of Fairy Princess dress complete with wings and magical wand. This is her fourth princess/fairy dress. MD told her this is her present for getting good results in her previous exam and there will be more presents for her in the future if she keeps up the good work! Even Haaziq was being supportive by calling her "princess Qeela"..seronok sakan la...well she deserved it....eventhough the dress ketat sikit coz itu utk 3+ punya age but it did not stop her from enjoying it to its fullest...bangun pagi ja terus capai dress tu..kalau boleh nak tidur pun pakai baju tu tapi takut terkoyak..terpaksalah tukar pakai pyjamas...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Last week i bumped into my old "buah hati" or more like big crush...along with his wife n 2 kids. It happened that we now live in the same area. What a small world! Anyway...i must admit he still looks the same since the day we left college..gemuk sikit la kut..but still friendly as he can be..his wife is ok too..a bit shy though. Then i remembered my conversation with a friend recently. I was at one of the open house where i met with her ex. And as soon as i told her about it, the first question she asked, "sapa cantik lagi..kita ka bini dia?" and myself being so jahat...answered, "mestilah kita yg lawa lagi heheh" and the conversation keep going on and on until finally i gave her the answer she's been waiting for.. "ya la...memang hang la yg cantik lagi....memang rugi la si-ex tu ". Am not trying to tease her or what by bringing up this story (sorry byk2 ye mek) but its true..women.. we like comparing things. The same thing happened to me that day. When MD stood there talking to him, i was telling myself those two were so different in so many ways. One..whom i had crush for so many years.. memang crush habis-habisan la..sekampung pulak willing to help him in any ways..assignment, $$ ..on the other hand MD..a sabahan ( dulu i was so strict about not having boyfriend other than org utara so that senang nak balik raya ) willing to do anything for me..believe it or not according to him i am his first love... Alhamdulillah..i make the right choice. Although now i have to take turn everytime hari raya comes :o( ..tapi its alright. MD gives me more than that. Moral of the story tak kisahlah sapa cantik or what..the most important is the choices we make. Make the best out of it and let bygones be bygones!

ps: at the end of the day..think moi cantik lagi compare to my old crush punya wife tu hehehhe jahatnya!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 girl

My baby girl is growing up so fast. Could not imagine she's going to standard one next year..she seems excited about it and could not wait to meet new friends. Last few weeks we attended her first convocation. It was held at Dewan Anwar, UKM. Yeah 6 years old and she already had had convocation..i had to wait until 24 years old to wear that convo gown.. excited as she was to receive her kindy certificate..she was far more excited to perform. She's been rehearsing her part as a ladybird for weeks..even Haaziq could memorized her line pretty well. She just loved to perform..think she got it from me...back in my schooling years..i took part in various art performance..such as singing, nasyid, dancing ( tarian asli lagi ), musical play and many more.

Anyway...for all her hardwork, she managed to get no 2 in her class...which is very good for her considering she had problem understanding malay. We were proud of her so MD decided to buy her a present to encourage her to do better in her next coming exam...sometimes rasa macam kesian plak kat budak2 ni..they just entering standard 1 and dah di pressurekan ngan exam...bagi dapat no 1 etc. masa zaman kita sekolah dulu..entering darjah satu baru nak mengenal abc, 123...tapi budak2 sekarang dah siap belajar plus minus with 2 digits..and dah boleh membaca dengan lancar...some parents even hantar anak pergi tutuion class..the pressure is not only on the kids but the parents too. Maybe we are too hard on them...since they just kids..but then its the education system that makes us like this ...hehe as usual blame it to the system. Nak tak nak just have to follow the flow or else we will be left behind ..but we try no to push her too hard...we still encourage her to do what she like for example, she likes art much so we decided to enroll her to art class n also swimming class..hopefully it will balance it up.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Raya in KK

As i said earlier, this year we spent our raya holiday in MD's hometown, Kota Kinabalu. Although it was a little bit diffrent from here in semenanjung but we did enjoy it very much. We even went to Tawau to attend a wedding. It was my first time in Tawau. Didn't really get to go sightseeing tough coz the schedule was too tight. Maybe some other time. Here are some of the photos taken there. Enjoy!

Cousins Enjoying the fireworks

Morning of Hari Raya with "gemuuk"

at the wedding

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Salam to everyone...its been a while since i last update this blog. Been very busy recently and alhamdulillah am back for more tips n tots. Hope its not too late to wish everybody SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI & MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. This year we celebrated hari raya in Sabah..MD's hometown. It was fun though a bit different from semenanjung ..Kids enjoyed it very much playing with nenek's inlaws really fond with cat..they have 7 cats..takut kucing2 tu bila haaziq ada..even dah kena cakar pun still nak jugak main.. ok..will update more later...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Permata (Untuk Isteriku)

Telah ku siapkan satu daerah paling sunyi
Dalam hati ini untuk kau isi sebagai isteri
Untuk kau penuhi dengan kemuliaan seorang wanita
Untuk kau beri erti dengan kelembutan
Untuk kau hargai dengan kasih sayang
Ku ingin kau jadi wanita mulia
Yang tahu harga budi dan hati
Seorang lelaki bernama suami
Kerana engkau isteri
Ku ingin kau mengerti bahawa hidup ini
Tak semudah yang kita janjikan
Yang kita janjikan
Kerana kau isteriku

This song is by Kopratasa, one of the famous group artist who like to sing "puisi" songs. Hubby made me listened to this song - sort of he dedicated it to me lah- and i would like to share it with all the wifes out there. My fav. part is " hidup ini tak semudah yang kita janjikan "..which is so very true..married life requires more than just understanding.

...and he is 3 !!

My baby boy turned 3 on July 1,2006. My goodness how fast time flies. I still can remembered the day we went to Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital. At 3.51pm, Muhammad Haaziq was born right on his due date. Alhamdulillah everything went well. He was a good boy and sister, Aqeelah adores him so much. He was quite big at birth, 3.50kg and we could see that tru out his growing years. Just like other boys, he is so lasak. He loves to play rough n tumble. But what i love so much is when he plays "cat" with aqeelah. He would sniffs, crawls and be like a manja. He still sleeps with us but now that he's getting bigger n tidur pun ala2 komando tendang sana sini, its time to train him to sleep on his own. So far he's doing ok, but then i have to sacrifice my hand as he needs to hold on to it until he falls asleep. I do miss having him with me on my bed because he always cuddle and sleep so close to me...but then bila part dia buat komando in the middle of the nite..itu yang tak tahan...He is growing so fast and yet he still my baby Haaziq comelll ( his answer everytime we ask; haaziq what?haaziq comelll)

a few days after he was born

on his 1st Birthday with his first car

2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

Friday, July 07, 2006

My girl loves to draw. She draws almost everything but her passions is towards princesses and the tale of "happy ever after". She showed me this pic one day and told me this is how her wedding will be like - hmm baru 6 yrs old tapi dah pandai cakap pasal wedding.. anyway am speechless! Her pic was so detailed and am impressed but at the same time am a bit worried.. it's too mat saleh (one of my friends said that too about my kids) She asked me one day why i covered my hair at my wedding and she said she's not going to do that and she's going to wear that "berkemban" wedding dress. Ask her why? With her innocent looks she said, sebab cantiklah! Hmm should i be worried now or just let her play with her imagination and explain it to her slowly until finally one day she will understand it clearly?

Friday, June 30, 2006

Landskap tumbuhan dapur

I found this article in Berita Harian a while ago and decided to post it here. There are some interesting tips if we want to have this "tumbuhan dapur" in our backyard. They not only work as kitchen landscape but very useful in the kitchen too.

Selain tanaman hiasan, anda sebenarnya boleh menghiasi halaman rumah (sama ada di hadapan atau belakang) dengan tumbuhan seperti sayur-sayuran dan ulam yang boleh dimakan. Jika orang lain memilih tumbuhan berbunga, tiada salahnya anda menimbulkan kelainan dengan menanam pelbagai jenis ‘tumbuhan bahan dapur'.

Tanaman itu bukan saja boleh menyuburkan tanah dan mencantikkan halaman, malah boleh dijadikan sumber makanan dan menjimatkan belanja pasar. Konsep menanam tumbuhan boleh makan dipanggil hiasan landskap boleh makan.Anda boleh membentuk kebun dapur anda sendiri, sama ada menanamnya di halaman depan atau belakang rumah. Kelebihan membuat kebun dapur ialah anda berpeluang mendapat sayur atau ulam yang lebih segar, bersih dan terjamin kerana anda menanamnya sendiri.Tidak perlu risau soal sisa racun serangga perosak kerana anda boleh menggunakan bahan semula jadi atau barang dapur untuk mengawal serangan serangga.Serangga perosak boleh dikawal dengan menyembur campuran air sabun dan bawang putih pada pokok yang diserang terutama kucai dan serai wangi daripada cacing nematoda, kutu daun dan semut.Cara itu lebih murah, senang dan tidak membahayakan. Lebih penting tanaman itu segar dan boleh dimakan segera.

Pastikan tanaman tidak ditanam terlalu dalam atau cetek. Padat dan ratakan tanah sekeliling pokok sebelum disiram.Kadar kekerapan siraman bergantung kepada jenis pokok. Pokok yang mengandungi banyak air seperti lidah buaya tidak memerlukan siraman kerap.Satu langkah memastikan kelembapan mencukupi adalah dengan memancang kayu pada tapak tanaman. Cabut kayu pemancang dan lihat pangkalnya. Jika tanah yang melekat itu lembap, ia bermakna tanaman cukup air dan tidak perlu disiram.Tumbuhan yang boleh dimakan atau untuk tujuan masakan seperti limau kasturi, cili, bayam, pandan, serai dan halia juga boleh ditanam dalam pasu besar. Ada pokok yang perlu dicantas dan ada yang perlu dicabut setelah satu musim terutama pokok bermusim seperti ulam raja.Pokok jenis herba naungan seperti selom dan kesum perlu dicantas supaya dapat mengeluarkan daun lebih sihat dan bercabang.Pokok herbasaka seperti kunyit, serai, halia, lengkuas dan temu seeloknya digali umbinya, dibelah dan ditanam semula setiap dua atau tiga tahun.Pokok jenis kayu seperti limau nipis, kasturi dan purut perlu dicantas apabila terlalu tinggi. Selain memudahkan, cantasan dapat mengekalkan bentuk, konsep dan kecantikan landskap dapur.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Nearly 2 weeks tak it a matter of no idea or malas? Hmm idea tu ada it must the laziness..lately am really not in the mood of writing. Lots of wonderful things happened this past few weeks…Our dearest friend Heizam a.k.a Cik Lat is officially Mrs Clark now. After 6 yrs of waiting, finally they got married on June 16, 2006. CL looked so happy and berseri-seri in her white dress. How I wish I could be there…opps forgot to mention that she got married in Boston. Arghh Boston…I had so many memorable thoughts about that special place..but..not going into details right now..tersasar kejab..because this entry is not about me..It’s about CL. Am wishing her the very best of luck and may happiness be with her always.

Last week was also my dear friend’s birthday. What a lovely date 20.06.2006. Amin gadis Comel..who could ever forget her. She’s the bubbliest and yet very sensitive. I’ve known her since my high school yr back in MRSM Beseri. But we were not that close back then..until we became roommate in Boston. We had our ups and downs but at the end of the day I still adore her and enjoy our friendships very much. Happy Birthday Minah…moga2 panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki selalu.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Forever Charmed

I watched the ever last episode of Charmed last nite and I would say it was a perfect ending. An ending that am sure everybody would be happy to see. After 8 years (could you believe it) of battling with the so-called-demons.., trying to have a normal life as mortals, losing one sister (though it actually because the cast could not stand her attitude so they had to “killed” her) they finally found their destiny. Piper, Phoebe and Paige, the 3 witches or should I say the Charmed one will always be our favourite witches. Although am not really their best fan... I do watch it (sort of keeping it up to date) whenever I …hmm let say when I feel like watching it... ( I do have other things to do too)..because sometimes the story line was too much.. mengarut n seksi sangat..the truth is...I missed Prue...yupp the sister that “died” played by Shannen Doherty. I started watching her in BH90210 as Brenda Walsh..(she only stayed till season 2 or 3? again..problems with other casts). At that time she was so young and fresh. She got a lot of talents but sad to say she has the kind of attitude that pissed out a lot of people. Too bad...sayang sekali...muka comei perangai tak comei..for me comei la walaupun hubby keeps telling me muka dia slightly herot ya ke?
Anyway, what am trying to say here, last nite in the final episode, I was a little bit “terkilan” when the scene where old Piper and old Leo walked up the hall of fame” stairs, there was no pictures of Prue. Despite all the bad things she had done, I think they should have her on the hall of fame since she was one of the sisters. However, when Piper’s granddaughter end it up by closing the door the way Prue used to do it.. I know everything is alrite. Perfecto! That’s it!

p.s: semalam tengok "ungu violet"..ala yg Dian Sastro from Indonesia tu berlakon ..aduss..sedih bangat...meleleh airmata..

Monday, June 12, 2006

How long can i take it?

Weekend was alrite. Went to my swimming class as usual. Am learning the free style swimming right now. And it's been almost 4 lessons and yet i still can't do it. Am at the phase of giving up already. So frustrated. Why is it so easy for those kids ( age around 9-11) to do only took them 1-2 lessons and they will be swimming like pros. And moi? Still terkial2 nak buat breathing. Moan it to hubby about it and as usual he keeps on encouraging me. It's a learning process he said n bla bla bla. The kids obviously just being kids. They are known as fast learners. Hmmm i just hope he is right because i don't know how long can i take it.

Back at home, am having such a problem or more like annoyed with the next door bibik. I know that am only renting and did not really use my backyard specifically the fence.but it doesnt give her the right to hang her washing there. Seriously..if we shared the fence then am ok with that but we don't and it's bugging me...Whenever i open the kitchen window (which i do most of the time) i can see such a beautiful view..yupp the washing...bibik tu plak dengan selambanya senyum..tumpang sidai rumah mak aqeelah ya.. My God! sabag ajalah kalau lawa tak pe jugak..;-p.. Hubby said just hang in there..we'll be moving soon..hmmm again..hope he is right..hope we will be moving soon coz..i don't know how long can i take it.

ps: the pic got nothing to do with my ventings..just that i feel calm when i look at it... sejuk mata memandang. Does it mean am opening my soft spots for cats? Still NO!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

the first attempt

I found out yesterday that i had to sit for the Mtest ( Malaysian Teacher Selection Test) today - i was so unaware of the date, lucky me my dear friend Ida called. Anyway..i thought it was just another test..therefore i dont really bother to prepare or more like donno what to study. The test consist of 5 components which are: Quantitative ( Maths), Engish, Verbal (BM), Analytical and INSAK ( inventori sahsiah keguruan)...There were 25-30 question for each components except INSAK (135 yes-no answers) and 30 mins to answer for each was hard...especially the maths and bm part..yupp you hear me correctly..BM..susah bangat..except the kefahaman. Maths pulak after so many years ...the skills makin berkarat. dah la tu calculator allowed...I just dont understand why we have to go thru all this test. I mean, really, if you give this test to other teachers, i bet some, not all, will struggle to answer all questions correctly in given times. Hubby said..this is one of the way to narrow down the numbers of candidates ( must be more than 20,000 appllications - 1 pusat ada dlm 150-200 calon imagine kalau ada 100 pusat all over malaysia..)..and more over hubby said..this is one of the way to make sure they have the very best among the best teacher candidates. And hopefully with better teacher we will have better education plan..hmmm ya la tu.. anyway..I have done my best and hopefully my first attempt to Mtest will not be a bummer

Again talking about the first attempt, yesterday i made "puding caramel". Back in Boston, if am not mistaken, Minah was the one who promised us her puding caramel..and i think she still owes me that...betul tak minah? And whenever i attend birthday parties,ceremonies or even during ramadan..puding caramel is among the popular dessert. I always want to try it at home since people keep saying that it is an easy peasy pud but never had the chance or keberanian until yesterday. My verdict, for a first-timer, the pud was ok. Not that bad. I think i burnt the caramel a little bit..heheh..there's room for improvement! Most of it i enjoyed it very much and next time am sure the pud will be much-much better...until then..

Friday, June 02, 2006

Secret of Decorating

A truly elegant home is not a copy of something seen elsewhere. It has an individual feel, effortlessly combining everyday objects with treasured items. The key to establishing your own style is to make the most of the things you love. Here are some tricks for you to try out at home.

1. Try to arrange furniture so that it’s conducive to conversation. Hubby said, it is a must to have the telly at the living room in order to avoid awkward moments like when suddenly nobody is talking or whenever you run out of words. Although for me..having telly surrounded with soft and comfortable sofa mean tendency to become “couch potatoes” are most likely very high..contoh paling bagus…myself..ayaks..bagai di pam-pam, again blaming the sofa n the telly..

2. Item displayed on their own can be lost. For greater impact, cluster them together. For example: different shapes of picture frames or fragrant candles – I love candles. Don’t really use it for the fragrance but very handy during blackout. Nowadays it comes with cute shapes and colour.

3. I love colour co-ordination. But watch out! Do not co-ordinate too much – it loses contrived. Aim for a healthy balance between matching and contrasting colours. Again dear hubby likes it all white/magnolia… but I think splash of red will add some spice to a plain magnolia. I also like a pinch of green..more like hijau pucuk pisang or I always refer it as hijau Ziana Zain because she wore this colour on her wedding day. It is refreshing and make the items stand out.

4. Use light to soothe, stimulate and even decorate – not just illuminate. There are lots of trendy lights in the market.

5. Display something beautiful in front of a window to draw the eye to the view. However, before you do that, make sure that the view is something you want to show it to your guest, in other word, nice to look at. You definitely do not want to draw people attention to your washing lines or to a messy backyard. It does not have to be fancy just simple and again.. sedap mata memandang!

6. Display objects with emotional significance where they can be touched and appreciated. Photos albums are great entertainment. It brings back all the memories and a good laugh too!But remember to keep your most personal things, including letters and most importantly your BILLs, tucked away, not left out on view. You can always take them out in quiet moments.

7. Plain walls aren’t boring – they provide the perfect backdrop. You can add some picture frames on the wall. Try to be as creative as you can when you arrange the pictures. It does not have to be in a straight order. Be adventureous! Just do not go overboard! Too much of it will make the wall overcrowded.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mr. and Mrs. Mazlan

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I bought myself SAJI-a cooking magazine yesterday.Cost me RM10 because this month issue is a special super bumper usual rambang mata tengok resepi . It features Siti Nurhaliza on the front page talking about how we need to have basic knowledge about cooking before we enter married life. Is it a hint that she is ready to get married? Apa2lah Siti.. since she said..Biarlah let it be..Anyway...back to my SAJI... i love buying magazines especially cooking fact i love everything about cooking. I can spend hours watching the cooking programs eventhough i've seen them so many times. I love Nigella Lawson, Jamie Oliver ( believe it even Hazziq recognizes Jamie's show) and many more. Back in UK i love watching Ready Steady Cook program. I just enjoyed watching them. But honestly..i've never tried any of the recipes except one from Jamie Oliver. Its called Sheila's Pudding. Hubby always tease me about i spend time and money over all this cooking stuffs but at the end of the day..i will cook almost the same thing over and over again. I dont blame him for that because it is true. I donno why i never tried all those recipes..maybe because of i had bad experience with it or simply because the ingredients are so well explained but yet so complicated. I remembered trying to bake cookies for last hari raya. I followed exactly according to the recipe but i tossed nearly half of it into the bin! Failed! People said..dont follow the recipes too much you have to improvise it...hmm what's the point of having the recipe if you cant follow it right! Nowadays i only follow recipes i get from my mom, friends. Why ? Because i 've seen them cook it and taste it therefore..boleh di percayai. Others are just for my entertainment only...well maybe i will try one or two recipes ...trying to be more adventureos la konon hahah.. infact i did find some interesting recipes that i want to try in my new SAJI.. Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

I remembered watching ER, the episode where Anthony Edwards a.k.a Dr. Mark Greene died because of brain cancer. The episode was so touching that i cried upon hearing the song they played.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high,
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?
music by Harold Arlen and lyrics by E.Y. Harburg

Flawed & Fabulous moms

A good mother… What does it really mean? This phrase itself sparks enthusiasm, hope, the glow of positive intentions. After all, we moms by our very nature are driven to do right by our kids.

So what is a "good mother" — how much flexibility have we got in there? Is there an official scorecard? Am I "the best mom I can be"? Raising kids isn't like trying to make a 4.0 or win a race. Unfortunately, in too many minds "good mother" means "perfect mother”. There's a lot of pressure to have your child be exposed to as many learning and growth opportunities as possible — make them a good child by being a good parent. It is unrealistic to think that you can work full time and at the same time spend lots of quality time with your kid, birthday parties, and sports games, cook healthy dinners and help them with homework. Whatever you're doing, it feels like it is still not enough.

As our society becomes more child-centred, parents feel more and more in the service of their children — and more pressured to do everything right. There's a pervasive sense of blame that tells us, no matter how your kid turns out, all his flaws point back to you: The wrong kind of discipline, the wrong foods, and the wrong reading materials, even what you eat during pregnancy will affect your child. Is it any wonder why we want to be "perfect"? We want to stay off the firing range. There's also a sense that modern life is competitive, expensive, and more difficult and we have to give our kids every advantage to succeed. So is it any wonder that more and more experts are weighing in on exactly the right way to parenting — and yupp..we're eating it up.

It's not just external forces putting pressure on moms, though. Unfortunately, we also constantly criticized and judge each other. Moms who work look down on moms who don't and vice versa. I heard people saying, “Why didn't you breastfeed longer?” “Why is he in day care already?” These kinds of questions will never stop. Why this, why that! As hard as it looks, we actually need to appreciate people's different ways of raising their kids. You have to do what is true to your heart, and that is good parenting. Everyone will have opinions on what is right and wrong, and there's nothing to say what you're doing is right or wrong, but we're all giving it our best. We've got to lighten up on ourselves.

Many moms feel guilty about taking time for themselves. But moms do need breaks! We need to nurture ourselves so that we can be better moms. Being a good mother also means taking care of yourself so you can give more of yourself to your children. Indeed, it won't actually do your kids any good if you're stressed about being the perfect parent.

Just remember:
-We all have guilt — just don't let it take hold.
-Sharing makes you realize you're not alone. Seek out support whenever needed.
-Your instincts are just fine. Good parenting comes from the heart and gut.
- Parenting is a learning process.
-Taking care of yourself is important. "Do one thing each day that nurtures you, even if it's only for a few minutes.
- You are doing your best and God willing, your kids will be okay too!

Happy Mother’s Day!

P.S.: Parenting advice books can be a wonderful resource — if you don't take them too seriously ;o)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Children Tots

Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands
- Anne Frank

Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction - Annie Sullivan

You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance
- Franklin P. Jones

Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

May is Here

Pejam Celik Pejam Celik...May is here. Time flies! Am turning 31 in a few more days. Do i feel old or slightly matured? Is my body getting too much "fat" nowadays? Although hubby said he does not mind all those extra "tyres", but..ada juga but if i lose all those "tyres" i definitely will look much better. Trying to deny it by putting the blame on the shrinking pants/jeans duhhh.. but reality bites! As i look at myself in the mirror, i know that am not as young as 10 yrs ago. Aqeelah sometimes ask me to put on my make up whenever we go out because she said i look old without it! hmmm even my own daughter complaint now :o( I definitely will have to make some improvement about it. And it will be one of my birthday wish list. Speaking of birthday..happy birthday to Amy (3 may) , Elin (9 may), my niece Ayin and Safwa, maksu (22 may)

Your Birth Month is May

Unique and creative, you seek your own path in life.You love change and are able to adapt to any situation.
Your soul reflects: Sweetness, joy, and a complete life.
Your gemstone: Emerald
Your flower: Lily of the Valley
Your colors: Yellow, red, and green

What Does Your Birth Month Mean?

Friday, April 21, 2006

Say "Yes"

Forty years ago, the average of someone’s first serious depression was almost 30. Now it’s 14. This should be a wake-up call that happiness needs to make an urgent comeback. When your first reaction is to shake your head and think bad thoughts, take a look at this simple little “yes to a better life” ways to put smile back on your face.

Yes, I will get moving. Whether a brisk walk aerobics or badminton for just 20 minutes, 3 times a week -has are remarkable impact on lifting depression.

Yes, I will join. Teaming up is the single most useful thing we can do to increase our stock of happiness. Social clubs, shared hobbies and neighbourhood schemes all serve to bring us together with other like-minded people.

Yes, I will keep busy. Optimists involve themselves more in the world because they think their enthusiastic activity will pay off. The more goal we take on, the greater likelihood of success.

Yes, I will move on. Do not dwell on the past unless its to savour the good times.

Yes, I will turn off the tv. Less tv and more activity is probably the least appreciated yet easiest, difference we can make in our lives. Go out have a picnics.

Yes, I will be more flexible. Remain flexible in how you plan for the future and respond to life. We are at out most vulnerable when we’re stuck in our ways and closed-off to learning and new experience.

Yes, I will laugh more. Humour has been prove to be one of the most important ingredients in a healthy and happy life. Laughter keeps the mind flexible and releases tension

Yes, I will settle for “good enough”. Do not be overwhelmed by the number of petty and irrelevant choices we are asked to make these days. Sometimes, good enough is good enough, Just because there are hundreds of possibilities, sometimes the clever choice is to settle for the first one that fits your minimum criteria

Yes, I will see the bigger picture. Maturity has to be earned and does not always come automatically with age. It’s distinguished by being able to step back and see the bigger picture, rather than getting caught up in the detail – particularly with situations that seem like set-backs or disappointments.

Yes, I will give of myself. A sense of purpose in life – the feeling that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Giving to ourselves to another person – whether as a life partner, mother or volunteer is one of the most reliable ways to achieve this feeling

Make this the day you realise that today is a gift – that is why it’s called “the present”. Have a lovely week everyone!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Its been raining for the past few days especially in the evening. My flower garden in particular the bougainvillea are not "doing well". The flowers are like hidup segan luruh tak mahu. As we all know, bougainvillea needs lots of sunlight. And maybe some pruning will help too to encourage new growth. A rule of thumb is to prune, once the blooming is over, for example, if the growth where the blooming occurs has grown out 6", prune off the old blooms cluster plus 3" of the stem after blooming. Also pinching the tips of your bougainville encourages new growth and flower. I have been a little bit busy these past few weeks and been neglecting my garden. And am feeling so bad about it.

Last weekend we all went to Ipoh, again. Hubby had to attend the Educamp Program at Tronoh. This time we just stayed at the hotel and enjoyed the pool as hubby had to work until midnight. I did not get a chance to swim since i had to look afterHaaziq. But Aqeelah really enjoyed herself with the pools. By the way, do you know that Ipoh is known as Bougainvillea city? Unfortunately, hubby took the camera with him. Therefore there were neither pics of the kids nor the bougainville taken. Am a little bit frustrated, however,I did snaped some pics with my camera phone but silly me donno how to upload it into the PC 8-( .

So this week i need to spend some quality time with my flowers. Believe it or not, i talk to my plant hahahhaha.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Man vs Woman : Explained

my dear hubby email me this "Man vs Woman" thingy this morning. As much as i want to deny it, after a loooong and very very deep are right, yang. To all ladies out there..any comment?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Domestic Goddess - Ways to speed through chores

Do you wake up in the morning and thinking about your unfinished chores ...more or less your never-ending-routine-chores? Are you getting tired with the same routine every day? Washing the dishes, cleaning the house, ironing, vacumming, cooking, pick up kids from school ..the lists will go on and on. Who ever said being a housewife is an easy job..are sooo very wrong. In spite of this, there are some tips you can follow ( it works for me) in order to hurry things up (meaning extra free time for you) and turning you into a domestic goddess in no sweat.

Helping Hand – minimise the minutes you spend going to and fro for cleaning supplies by carrying them with you. Put dusters, spray, bleach in a bucket so you have everything to hand.

Double Up – you can't dust and vacuum at the same time, but you can shower and sponging downs tile walls, fold laundry while watching your favourite soap or AF, and dust the phone while chatting to your mum.

Use the right Products – do not waste time scrubbing unnecessarily by using the wrong products. Kitchen cleaning products are acidic to cut through grease, while bathroom ones are alkaline to deal with lime scale.

Button Up – ask your family to undo buttons and zips, and turn jeans inside out before putting their dirty clothes in the laundry basket ( still need to remind my dear hubby to do this every time ..believe me it helps)

Basket Case – save yourself multiple tidying up trips by carrying a large basket from room to room, filing it as you go with everything that isn’t in its correct place.

Play a Game – when it comes to toys, it is better to get your child involvement. It’s better to teach a fisherman to fish rather than giving it to them. Play a tidying game like who can put the bricks faster back in the box. It may takes some time to clear all the toys but in the long run your child will be able to tidy up their toys without your help!

End of the Day Clean Up - as for me this last tip really make my life easier for the next day. Although I feel tired or worn-out at the end of the day, I try not to go to sleep before i finish clearing up the living room and the kitchen. So that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I will have a good start!

Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I wish..i wish..i wish...

I found this cartoon in one of the blogs and it captures my eyes on the spot! As a full time housewife and "devoted" mother to 2 wonderful kids, there are times when i do wish i have a wishing well. time goes by i realize that there are reasons why things are just the way they are..and trying to change it will not make any different. We just have to accept it and try to make the best out of it. God Willing , we all will be fine!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

April Fool Weekend 2

Sunday, 2nd April was Aqeelah’s sports day. She was looking forward for this day ever since they started practicing. We arrived a little bit late and missed the marching ceremony. Well we’re not the only parents who were late ..seems like other parents had the same thought like us which was “last year we were early but they only started the events after an hour of waiting”.So this year we decided..or more like hubby decided not be among the early birds. Unfortunately this year they actually did start on time. Thank god we were not that late or else Aqeelah will missed her events. Aqeelah went straight away to her Yellow team. She was excited though earlier she kept complaining to me why they put her into the yellow team..instead of red..because yellow is Haaziq's colour not hers. Its true yellow was not her colour but the facts that her best friends were not in her team made all the differences. But kids being kids, they just overcome it in the knick of times.

She was supposed to take part in 2 events; running with ball and running with bean bag on your head but the teachers decided to put her on the reserve list for the second event. Last year she did not win any trophy (they only gave trophy for the winner..others only get “saguhati” like cheap pencil case) so this year she was all into it. And thank god she won! Or else we have to go to the souvenir shop and buy her a trophy instead. She was so excited receiving the trophy and we of course were very proud of her. Although I don’t think she’s going to be a good athlete (neither me nor hubby are sportsman hehe) but seeing her big smile posing with her first trophy was more than enough. We stayed until they finished the lucky draw where we were among the lucky ones and then went home. It’s the end of another sports day and am sure there are many more to comes.

Ps: Later, Aqeelah found herself a piece of cloth and been polishing her trophy every single minutes.

Monday, April 03, 2006

April Fool Weekend 1

Started of the April Fool weekend with the cancellation of my swimming class. I was actually looking forward to practice my swimming (sort of addicted hahaha) ever since I made it to swim the whole laps. Yupp it was such a big deal to someone like me to be able to do that. Am a bit frustrated, after all I drove all the way just to know they cancelled the class and Aqeelah kept asking why and why they need to clean the pool when its already clean etc…but am still in a happy mood because now I don’t have to rush home to get ready for my first outing with my “zebra” face (my sun block don’t really do the work ..berbelang2 muka after swimming). first outing without kids. It has been almost 6 years and am kindda looking forward to it. However Aqeelah really made a big fuss over it. She kept asking me why she wasn’t invited? Why am not going to bring her or Haaziq? When are you coming back? Why this why that. And am like, my dear why you are “concern” of me going out when you never bother when daddy go somewhere? She gave me her long face and went off. Haaziq on the other hand, doesn’t even care since he was too occupied with the Bubble gums. Hubby was supportive though because he knew that I do need some “time out” after many many years. The party was actually a going away party for our dear friend CL. It was the longest lunch ever at Cyberjaya Lodge Restaurant – the Verandah. Though am not really satisfied with the food I ordered, but the company of good old friends makes all the differences. It is nice to catch up with everybody and reminiscence the good times we had back there in Boston. Too bad Ain could not make it because her son, Aqin, was admitted due to asthma and not to forget Minah. Maybe next time..How about during CL’s wedding everyone? God Willing.

Back from left: Angah, Suriyati, Effie, Denn, Me. Front from left:Suriyati's boy-Ammar,KakNiza, CL

Hubby came to pick me up later. Kids were all showered and in their pyjamas. Who said hubby could not look after the kids.. Maybe next time I could have more “time out”? What do you reckon Yang? By the way, thanks again to Denna, Effie and CL for keeping me company. And again thanks for a wonderful day everyone and CL good luck to your new life.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Not a good day!

It has not been a good day for me today. It started out pretty ok until the cashier at McD took someone else order before me! Didn't she see me standing there with 2 loud kids running here and there? and didn't the other person whom being served before me saw me standing there just slightly next to her? I wanted to complaint to the manager but NO i choose not to do that. Maybe this is another way to test my level of patience. Finally, we had our lunch and kids were enjoying themselves as the rain started to pour..i mean really really pouring! The only thing that crossed my mind at that time washing! I hang it outsides before we left. Another misfortune. We left McD after the rain stopped and I took the longer route home just because I needed to stop at the ATM machine for some cash. I could not believed my eyes when i saw a sign "close from 1.20pm until 2.20pm due to Friday prayer" and I was like 10 minutes late! There are women workers in there and I asked politely if they could just let me in for the ATM..but NOPE! SOO frustrating. Worst to it..I have been trying to upload pics for my previous post but keep getting the same thing " file contain no data" or "could not connect to, test your connection". Can somebody or anybody help me? Arghhhh

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bougainville aka Bunga Kertas

Women and flower are like two things that are meant to be together. I lovesss flower. No specific one though. Roses, Jasmine, Petunia, Orchid, Tulips and many more. I love waking in the morning and smell the jasmine or admiring the splashing color of bougainvillea in a sunny day. They are like part of my life. Today I want to share some facts about bougainvillea or known as “bunga kertas”.
Bougainvillea is a genus of plant named after a French navigator, Louise Antoine de Bougainville . It is a thorny, woody, flowering vine native to the Amazonian Rain Forest of South Africa. Bougainvillea are popular plants grown extensively in the tropical or warm climates. It is an evergreen vine which is just as happy spreading horizontally or hanging downwards as it is climbing upwards, it makes itself at home in almost any situation. It can be grown as a hedge, groomed as a ground cover, pruned as an espalier, trained as a tree or contained in a pot in a variety of shapes. Its trunk tends to be gnarled. The actual flower of the plant is small and generally white, but each cluster of three flowers is surrounded by three or six showy bracts that sport the bright colors associated with the plant, including pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white or yellow. Bougainvillea are sometimes referred to as "paper flowers" because the bracts are thin and papery. Single and double flower forms are available. Double forms tend to carry their blooms near the end of the stems rather than distributing them evenly over the plant. The colourful, papery "blooms" are not flowers; they are bracts. The true flower is white, trumpet shaped and almost unnoticeable within the bracts. Bougainvilleas are available in a variety of species, each having its unique characteristics. The bloom cycles are typically four to six weeks. Bougainvillea generally blooms on new growth, each branch. As blooms begin to fade, it should be cut back to a point somewhat shorter than the desired length to encourage new growth. Bougainvillea grow best in very bright full sun and with frequent fertilization, but the plant requires little water to flower. If overwatered, it will not flower and may lose leaves or wilt. When you water Bougainvillea, it is better to thoroughly water them on occasion, rather than water them frequently with a light amount. The reason? Deep watering promotes the growth of deeper roots, which help hold the plants in the ground.Oppositely, light, frequent watering promotes the growth of shallow roots, which will not help hold the plants in the ground. Bougainvillea are relatively pest-free plants, but may suffer from worms and aphids.

ps: i've been trying to upload the photos since morning, but none of them seems to go thru. so will try again later

ps: thanks to my dear hubby, finally the pics are here. These beautiful bougenville are from my own small garden.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The road to clutter is paved with good intentions

When you walk around your home do you feel relaxed, in control and surrounded by things you love and that reflect your life today? If not, then probably your home is being taken over by clutter. Imagine being the caterpillar inside of its cocoon. It is cramped, dark, gloomy, hot, and overwhelming. Clutter is just that. You feel cramped and overwhelmed. Every clutter intends to get organized. BUT...there is never enough time, isn’t it?

I would categorize clutter into 4 main categories:
- Things you do not use or love i.e.: your outdated tudung
- Things that are untidy or disorganized i.e.: magazines, paper cutting
- Too many things in too small place i.e.: free tiny toys
- Anything unfinished i.e.: old DIY project

How do you deal with clutter? Do you simply ignore it or take action one day at a time? How much stuff do you have that you need? What can you give away and allow to be used by someone else? Set priorities. This is how I manage my clutters and i hope this will help you to take the first step to de-clutter.

- First and foremost, don’t panic. You are not alone when it comes to clutter. Start today. Remember that procrastination is the major obstacle to decluttering.
- Choose a small area to start and keep up the momentum. If you feel energized then keep going. But always work on one area at a time and finish it before you start somewhere else.
- Next, remember that one person’s clutter is another person’s treasure so get the rest of your family involved in sorting out their stuff. This is the hardest part for me, letting go of old stuffs. Believe it or not I still keep some of my high school “love letters” :o)
- Once you have decided to let things go, it’s crucial to get them out of the house as soon as possible. Unwanted items can be given to charity, friends or family or recycled. Or you could sell them at a car boot sale or second hand clothes shop or advertise in your local newspaper.
- Last but not least, once you have decluttered and decided what to keep, then it’s time to look at storage.
To maintain a clutter free home it is essential that everything has a home. Find or create a home for every item in the home and store related items together.

Happy de-cluttering!